About the comic:
The scifi/fantasy/horror comic "Strange Days" takes place a couple of decades into the future. Due to the events in Fellow Freaks, my finished web comic, magic has returned to the world and with it all sorts of oddities. Some of these things are benign and some are decidedly not. Some persons have decided to take on these creatures. This is where our protagonists come in. Megan and Tom have been paired together by the company they both work for: Paranormal, Inc., which specializes in the business of making the world a better place (hopefully). Megan and Tom need to work their way through what the world throws at them and their own pasts.

Reading the first comic, "Fellow Freaks," should not be necessary in order to understand this comic, but it does provide some backstory. The particularly relevant parts will be revealed as necessary within "Strange Days."

About the creator:
Marg Crosby has been posting web comics with some regularity since 2003 while earning her B.A. in biology. She is currently finishing her M.Ed. and hopes to start teaching soon (heavens help the school system).


Strange Days is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.